Veolia operates water and wastewater treatment facilities of industrial partners through outsorcing. Veolia also provides a number of other services to industrial partners using high expertise (eg, laboratory services, maintenance, design and technology services). Veolia aims to optimise production processes and reduce costs for your company, with maximum care for the environment and in full compliance with all legal requirements.

The projects mainly comprise the operation of:
- facilities for treatment and distribution of drinking and process water (water treatment plants)
- facilities for draining and treatment of wastewater (sewerage systems and wastewater treatment plants)
- waste disposal facilities (landfills)
- maintenance and repair of water infrastructure, industrial enterprises
Main principles of water management outsourcing:
- assuming responsibility for observing the conditions for operating water management facilities stipulated by state authorities
- responsibility for optimal economic and technical management of water management facilities' operations
- responsibility for repairs and maintenance of equipment
- cooperation in preparing investments in water management facilities
- setting prices for services on the basis of actual operating costs, as calculated
- long-term contracts
Forms of operation:
- operation of water (waste) management facility of an industrial company
- lease of water (waste) management facility
- purchase of water (waste) management facility or a part of it