Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies is contracted for the services of operation management and maintenance of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in the municipality of Vrbas. The company Veolia is entrusted with the operation management and maintenance of the currently largest WWTP in Serbia - 120,000 population equivalents. Veolia's obligation is to ensure the operation of the plant in accordance with the standards and legislation of the Republic of Serbia, to provide regular and emergency maintenance of the plant and equipment, timely procurement of chemicals, as well as optimization of plant operation and lowering of operating costs in terms of reducing electricity consumption.
CWWTP will be put into operation for the residents of Vrbas, Kula and Crvenka, by the implementation of this service, which will stop the discharge of sewage into the Veliki Bačka canal. With this activity, Veolia will significantly contribute to the improvement of environmental protection in Bačka.
The central wastewater treatment plant of the municipalities of Vrbas and Kula was designed and built in the period from 2011 to 2020. It consists of a water line and a sludge line, with a maximum processing capacity of 30,000 m3. The water line has a wastewater purification procedure through mechanical treatment where solid and liquid substances are separated from the water and biological treatment where organic load, nitrogen and phosphorus are reduced to values that are below the maximum legally allowed values. Anaerobic stabilization of two types of sludge from the water line takes place at the Sludge Line with the production of biogas. In this process, the produced biogas is used to power cogeneration units, ie. generators for the production of electricity. The produced electricity is used to power the plant itself. The chemical-mechanical sludge dehydration process is also applied at the plant.
Vrbas, Serbia
The Municipality of Vrbas
Contract for operation and maintenance of CPPOV